
Everyday a product :LM2940-5.0与7805的比较

   LM2940 has high conversion efficiency than the 7805. There will be 3mA current consumption (quiescent current)when 7805 without direct input connected to the output of the internal situation. LDO element quiescent current is far smaller than it.The LM2940 is a LDO (LDO means a low dropout regulator, which means higher low dropout linear regulator, as opposed to the traditional linear regulator. The traditional linear regulators, such as the 78xx series chips' input voltage are required to higher than the output voltage 2v ~ 3V at least, or it will not work properly. However, in some cases, this condition is clearly too harsh, such as 5v turn  3.3v, differential input and output is only 1.7v, apparently not satisfied with the conditions. The LDO class power conversion chip were invented only for this case.
LM2940-5.0 low dropout three-terminal regulator chip
Model: LM2940-5.0P + Package: TO-220
   Fixed output voltage low dropout three-terminal regulator; the output voltage of 5V; Output Current 1A; the output current is 1A, the minimum input-output voltage is less than 0.8V; maximum input voltage of 26V; Operating Temperature -40 ~ + 125 ; intron quiescent current reduction circuit, current limiting, thermal protection, and reverse battery protection circuit-insertion.
   The UTC LM2940 is a low dropout regulator designed to provide output current up to 1A with a typically 500mV dropout Voltage and a maximum of 1V. It is capable of reducing the ground current when the differential between the input voltage and the output voltage. 

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